Mother and Baby Packs The Just Born Pack

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 The Just Born Pack consists of the following 6 Vibrational Sound programs from Sounds From Source


Just Born

New Mother

New Father

Birth Trauma Parents

Parent / Carer

Baby and Children Sleep sounds


The Just Born Pack consists of the following 6 Vibrational Sound programs from Sounds From Source


Just Born

New Mother

New Father

Birth Trauma Parents

Parent / Carer

Baby and Children Sleep sounds


The Just Born Pack has been developed to allow parents and child to have the most relaxed and beneficial transition into being a family. Comprising of six individual vibrational programs.

The Just Born Sounds relieve the stress trauma and anxiety of the birth process and separation from the placenta which has been a child’s life line from conception to birth

The New Mother program is a series of vibrational sounds which was developed to assist New Mothers to release the worries and concerns which are so often prevalent after the birth of a child. Whether this is a first or a subsequent child, it is common to experience doubts and fears of our own self worth, to question our coping mechanisms, and to judge oneself by the performance of others. These gentle sounds may assist your body to release these unwanted thoughts, feelings and emotions, and replace them with a calm and relaxed state. These sounds may be played as often as desired.

The New Father program is a series of vibrational sounds which were developed to assist New Father’s to release the worries and concerns of being a parent which are so often prevalent after the birth of a child. Whether this is a first or a subsequent child, it is common to experience doubts and fears of our own self worth, of your parenting skills, and to question your coping  mechanisms, and to judge oneself by the performance of others.

As a Mother of five, Sheila is well aware that her own levels of bonding and coping with her children was individual in each case, and even following each individual birth process. The individuality of each child and the situations and stresses of daily living may have a profound effect on your self and your children  whether these children are conceived naturally, with assistance, ie IVF or with adoption and blended families.

Birth Trauma Parent  is based on a Practitioner  level  Birth Trauma sound which was developed to deal with the anxieties I observed in the many new babies who I saw shortly after their births, where their Mother had been a client of mine and had brought the baby in for me to check it after it was born.

Over the years following this sound I had experienced at first hand the levels of the stresses and traumas not only to the parents of the new infant, however to those ‘support people’ and not only family members but also in many instances the actual midwives or doulas and hospital staff as well.

These powerful sounds assist in releasing the cellular memory of having been a part of or present at the birth of a child or children, whether currently  or at a previous time.

The Parent /Carer sounds were created to allow Parents and Carers to release the levels of tension, frustration, stress and anxieties which may be associated with being a Parent and or Carer on a daily basis. These sounds release stresses and tensions at the cellular level and replace  them with a calm peaceful relaxed and tranquil  state which is beneficial to both the physical and emotional levels of the body.

These sounds may be played as often required or desired to retain this peaceful state.

(Sheila’s comment to many a parent over the years is that these are extremely beneficial when you feel like throwing the baby out with the bathwater)

The Baby and Children Sleep Sounds, the Baby and Children’s Sleep sounds were developed to gently  release all and any thoughts, feelings and emotions which may prevent your baby or child from enjoying a calm peaceful sleep.

They allow the child to enjoy the restorative levels of sleep and rest patterns,  and then awaken feeling refreshed and rejuvenated by  nature and ready to accept the positive and beneficial abundance of the new day.

These sounds are extremely beneficial for children who experience disturbed sleep patterns and or nightmares.


The Just Born Pack of 6 MP3 download programs

Cost USD $80


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