
From a Grateful Mother

I was recommended to contact Sheila Kennedy from a friend after she spoke about the great results her daughter was experiencing. Even though I’ve been with many different practitioners for my son for the past 15 years I was still willing to try someone new, and OH My Goodness I’m so glad I did. Sheila is incredible and a master in what she does. My son had glandular fever, chronic fatigue, mood disorder, anxiety and learning problems. I had seen improvement over the years but nothing can compare to these last few months.

He’s a competitive swimmer and has struggled to achieve to his full potential due to the fatigue and constant illness. His body was corrected from the foundation up and now everyone has been left wide eyed and gasping in disbelief as he has powered his way to top club performer and received 3 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medal in his last competition. Sheila corrects the body, mind, soul and energetic pathways removing any blocks. Trying any other modality for healing before you see Sheila and you’re wasting your time and money.

We are grateful everyday to have experienced Sheila’s amazing talents.

From Tina

I began training in Jiu-jitsu at a stage in my life when I was lost, sad and burdened with so much trauma that I needed to do something to release all these unwanted thoughts, feelings and emotions. Early on in my Jiu-Jitsu journey I was learning many holistic modalities but nothing seemed to truly help me to get to the place I so long desired. That place was a happy, healthy loving state knowing my journey and my life’s purpose.

Someone told me about this lady named Sheila Kennedy. They said ‘oh my gosh you just have to meet this lady! I can’t explain just go see her…you need Sheila!…Kind of like when someone jokes about saying you need Dr Phil. So I contacted this lady called Sheila and that has been the best phone call I have ever made to this daySheila assisted me to deal with and work through the traumas that had held me back in a state of hatred and negativity, correcting my Dyslexia and bringing my mind body and spirit to a happy and healthy state.

Sheila and her ‘sounds’ and her abundant knowledge has literally, totally and abundantly changed my life.

Tina (Ciavarella) West

From Jessica Gallianis

Sheila came into my life at a time where everything was completely turned upside down for me. I had gone through a break up, heart break, deceit, I was fired from a job for the first time, I had a terrible eczema outbreak, I wasn’t able to work, nor face the world, and all this was due to a curse that was placed on me when I was living in Peru, South America. By using her Sounds from Source Sound Programs, Tibetan Tingsha Bells, prayers and commanding the body to function as it should, Kinesiology, Sound Bowl, and Reiki, I had felt completely clear of what was affecting me. Without any knowledge of what she did, I was in complete awe of what this amazing woman had done. It changed my life around in every way!! Not only did the curse lift, but I changed completely!! The bubble that I was in burst and I am now in my own energy. My body, mind and soul were completely aligned, and over time, I realized how powerful and amazing the session was with Sheila… As a child, I wasn’t able to concentrate or focus properly, I was a middle-class student, reading things were difficult to understand, and since the realignment, I am able to study with complete focus. I’ve never been able to study as much as I am now, let alone, to be able to retain much more information than before. My skin is amazing!! I am now able to be ME, without any hinderance from any outside factors.

Sheila’s gentleness, understanding, compassion, connection to the Source (God), is beautiful! She made me feel understood and guided me for many years afterwards. I was so impacted and completely grateful every single day for Sheila’s help!! I was in so much awe that learnt how to be a holistic practitioner, taught by the best; Sheila Kennedy. Thank you Sheila from the bottom of my heart!!

Jessica Galliani

By Josie

Dear Sheila, Just a short note to express my gratitude to you for taking the time to try to make a difference in my life. For travelling to see me, to encourage me, to show me that beautiful warmth that you emit. Its hard to say meaningful things, the words that come to mind usually find themselves falling short of the feelings that I’d like to share and the things I’d like to say, but I want you to know that “thanks” is one emotion that I take seriously and that it flows directly from my heart.

Thank You,  From My Heart to Yours

My experience with the use of hypnotherapy for body sculpting competition preparation.

I first met the gorgeous Sheila in 2003 when I found myself in an emotional and physical rut. My first session with Sheila was amazing, she managed to align my chakras and clear certain blockages.  This was great but I still needed more help, focusing on food and body image and toning. Sheila created a hypnotherapy cd specifically targeted to my goals and needs at the time.  I would listen to her soothing voice each night as I lay in bed and I would fall asleep to her enforcing the positive thoughts that I needed to hear. It was certainly took me by surprise as I almost immediately felt the difference. I stopped craving bad foods, I felt good about my journey to transform my body and to show my achievements to all on stage. It was the easiest competition preparation I had ever done. I woke refreshed in the mornings and I just felt great considering all the training and limited food I was having. I honestly believe that my sessions with Sheila made all the difference and I would recommend it to anyone seeking help with whatever issue they come across in life. Be it body or mind.

Hope that’s ok Sheila. I hope this email finds you healthy and happy.

Lots of love
Josie xx

By Keren

Thank you for adding me to your mailing list – looking forward to reading your newsletter when I hop into bed.

Very interesting – my body has been adjusting all day, quite physically, and is still doing it.  It feels as though I have had a full-on chiropractor’s appointment.  Amazingly I can feel where all of the changes are taking place.  Is this what is to be expected?  I feel so much clearer, brighter, straighter, happier and “free”, already.  I am sure the most profound changes are still to come.  There are not enough words to express my gratitude to you but our hearts will know.

I shared my experiences with Ron (partner of 12 years) and spoke with awe of your knowledge and expertise.  He (who is slowly awakening even though he doesn’t know it) is very keen to see you when I come for my follow-up in six weeks or so, and hopes you will be able to help with his lower back problem and his ongoing (and increasingly difficult) quest to give up smoking.  Would this be OK?

I spent some lovely time with my youngest daughter, Louise, on my way through Geelong thisafternoon.  We talked about my time with you today, and she is very open to new knowledge (and healing although we didn’t talk so much on that level).  She would be happy to have an appointment with you, if that is OK with you.  I’m so pleased – there are issues to be cleared before she gets any older and I after what you have shared with me today, believe that this is the most effective way to do it.

Have spoken to Renee also (my daughter whose partner Brian is ill) and sown the seeds for her to think about it over the next day or so.  I will be in Geelong tomorrow for the rest of the week and we will have an opportunity to talk about it then.  I am hoping Brian will accept help.  If so, I will give you a call.

Sheila, thank you for opening the doors for me.  I have a profound respect for your knowledge – you are surely the epitome of the quiet achiever and unsung hero, creating miracles with love and light.

Much love to you


By Anne Anderson

Dear Sheila,

I hope by now you have made it home safe & sound. No doubt you will be feeling tired, but I hope not too tired.I hope you are inwardly reaping the benefits of a very successful trip to Sydney.

I really dont know where to begin to thank you for what you have done for me…you have completely turned me around…

Just to say Thank You, sounds totally inadequate…but I mean it so sincerely, and with so much love….Sheila….Thank you dear & very special friend for the work you did on my headache…and my whole being..I feel totally brand new…its hard to explain, but I know you know what I mean..xxxx

My headache (the top of skull) has not re-appeared..its gone..the left temple is still there but not as severe…the vision in my left eye is definitely better…my whole well being..is different…I feel whole again…

So Sheila..how sweet it is to have met you, spent time with you, to have been nurtured by you…and to know you care…as I said in my posting to the room..I feel so very rich….winning Lotto could not be better than this feeling…I have won it ten fold….

I have been praying for your son today, I do pray that his operation was a success, & that he continues to improve…I know you are both very prepared for the “after op” bit..& I hope it goes without a bump or a hitch for you both….

Once again Sheila, my most sincere thanks & love

Anne Anderson

By Sue

Sheila offers me the only place I know in the world to go for help and hope with the really difficult things in life.

She actually makes everything become simpler.


By Dan

“After spending 6 months and $20,000 on physical therapy and treatments for injuries sustained from a car accident that were never healed, Sheila did for me in one 2 hour consultation what 6 months of physical Therapy, 3 times a week, 4 hours a visit could not.2 hours and $200 later with Sheila Kennedy and I was able to play sports again after 5 years. I highly recommend Sheila to anyone who wants results above all else.”


Company Director

By ‘D’

“Absolutely amazing! Sheila Kennedy is the only practioner that I know of who encompasses all aspects of health and well being in order to facilitate the required healing for your ailment. Her treatments and education are priceless as she opens your eyes to a whole new world of science and health. I highly recommend Sheila to anyone who wants results above all else.”

By Denise F.

We have a three year old boy who appeared to have a learning disability. We noticed it and so did his kindergarten teacher’s, he was a lot slower at learning than that was considered normal. After hearing about some amazing results other parents had with Sheila, we went and saw her. In days we saw a remarkable change and in weeks his teachers were amazed at his abilities with complex jigsaw puzzles and problem solving abilities. Months of worry were relieved by two visits to Sheila and a “do at home program” for our boy. We can never thank Sheila enough. My whole family has now seen Sheila. I highly recommend her to any parent who has a child with any apparent learning disability, for you will see results just like we have.

Denise F.


By Gavin W.

I am writing to thank you very much for the work you have done on my family and I. Especially on my daughter Jaimee. When Jaimee came to you she was really struggling with her reading and school work in general. It has now been nearly three months and her concentration and reading has improved considerably. We have also noticed huge improvements in her energy levels and general well being.

This has had a huge impact on my family relationships and my general outlook on life.

Once again I would like to thank you for all your help and I will be recommending you to all my friends.

Gavin W.


By Debbie Castellano

Retain Memory Sounds

Sheila Kennedy healing sounds have changed my life. We all have memories of our past, some great and some not so great.

Working at a sub-conscious level I had done a lot of healing myself, however there was a piece of my past I could not forget.  I had forgiven but no matter how much I tried to move on I found myself always recalling this memory.

When I discussed this with Sheila she played the Retain Memory sounds, and to my amazement and relief this negative memory has been erased.

Healing, forgiving and letting go of negative experiences enables us all to take our learning and move forward.

Sheilas sounds work at an even deeper level, erasing memories that can be attached to the past. Sometimes we believe that holding onto these memories is a form of protection, however all we are really doing is blocking the real inner self from shinning.

Thank-you Sheila, now I am able to shine from the inside again.

Debbie Castellano

By Tim S

I have known Sheila for several years. In my life there have been turning points marking my evolution into a more complete person, meeting Sheila has been one of these turning points or “gifts”. I feel honoured to be able to be able to rely on her abilities and knowledge to diagnose issues that often are overlooked, or worse still, confused with other symptoms and misdiagnosed. Given the lack of true insight into the matter at hand, this can often lead to the issue being mistreated with the heavy-handed approach of popular western medical practices. This can lead to the symptoms being addressed with a band aid type treatment that leaves the true underlying cause to sit untreated, ready to re-emerge as the old symptom, or worse still as a different symptom leading the patient thinking that they have multiple illnesses.

In the time since I have met Sheila, I have come to know myself and the way my body works in better detail than I ever had previously. Her insights into the world we live in and how it impacts on my family and I are a rare thing in this world of half-truths and deception. I am a better person for the information she imparts on me and I am left with the feeling that I have the ability to deal with issues that arise on a daily basis as well the bigger picture in a more informed and practical way.

I recommend Sheila to everyone that has tried the usual channels and has only come away feeling disheartened.

Most sincerely,

Tim S

By Liliana, Melbourne


I had a couple of really interesting occurrences after the “Abundance” sounds were played.  Two weeks later I received a gift of $500.  Three weeks after this I was presented with $5000.  My bank account is a lot healthier but I have also experienced abundance in other forms.  I feel an immense sense of gratitude and appreciation for the experiences that life presents and for the wonderful people in my life.


I have had a drivers licence for 10 years and the feeling of anxiety that I experience whenever I drive has been with me for the entire time I’ve been driving.  In fact, I had put off getting my drivers licence for years because of this very fear.

After Sheila played the “Movement” sounds for me I found that the feelings of anxiety and trepidation that I usually feel when I get into a car were completely absent.  On the same evening, I had gotten myself completely lost whilst driving.  The feelings of anxiety and fear that would normally have presented in this situation weren’t there at all.


Most people describe me as introverted and a little stand-offish when they first meet me.  I dislike drawing attention to myself and find public speaking extremely confronting.  Whilst I’ve generally received positive comments about presentations that I’ve conducted, the discomfort and fear I experience have not abated.

A few weeks ago Sheila played the “Communication” sounds for me.  Two weeks later I was approached to be interviewed for a promotional DVD for a community agency that I work for.  I happily agreed to participate.

The feedback I received from my supervisor and the film crew was really positive.  Whilst I experienced a little nervousness at the beginning of the day, this quickly shifted and I felt comfortable about speaking and being taped.  When my supervisor spoke about having a presentation evening to view the DVD I didn’t feel phased about that either.

The ‘Communication’ sound have achieved more than improving my communication skills and increasing my comfort in being in group situations.  I feel more confident and at peace with myself, and my interactions, whether with friends or strangers, seem to be easier and more relaxed.  I feel a lot more connected to other people and to life in general

Sheila has a depth of knowledge that is truly impressive.   Her practical experience and life experience combined with her caring approach and sense of humility provide an optimal environment for facilitating transformation.  I have no hesitation in recommending Sheila to friends and family as the results I’ve personally experienced have been life changing.

Liliana, Melbourne

By Trechelle

I first met Sheila Kennedy about two and a half years ago when my second child Ella was 8 months old.  We had gone through such a difficult time with my daughter and I had totally exhausted every possible option to help me deal with her constant crying and sleep problems.  Since the day Ella was born, she screamed!!!  She had terrible reflux and thus wanted to be carried all day.

My husband found it so difficult to bond with her, because she just wanted to be close to me.  I tried to explain to every professional I saw, that it seemed more than just the reflux to me.  She actually screamed like she was scared and I could sense that she was an anxious little baby.  I was at my wits end and was also suffering from post natal depression and severe sleep deprivation.  My naturopath recommended that I see Sheila after he admitted that he just could not help me.  The day I saw Sheila, my life changed.

Straight away Sheila picked up on my anxiety and told me that I had probably passed a lot of this onto Ella even through my pregnancy.  I listened to a series of bells that Sheila played and went home thinking, we will just see what happens.  Ella was a completely changed baby the next day.  The fear and anxiety had gone and for the first time my husband was able to cuddle her without me being in the room.  Over the following weeks her sleep patterns improved and our life as a family slowly returned to normal.  My husband, being a GP and myself being an intensive care paediatric nurse, could not make sense of what had happened and my husband was very sceptical.  However, we cold not ignore the dramatic change that had taken place with our daughter.  She has since grown to be one of the most delightful little girls and we have never had any more issues with anxiety.

When I had our third child, Sheila was one of the first people that I rang.  She played a series of healing sounds to help our daughter readjust to life outside the womb and to help prevent any separation anxiety.  Since birth, our Aimee has been the most placid, calm, happy baby.  She has never had any issues with anxiety or sleep problems, and I am positive that the healing sounds helped her immensely.

Nowadays I use various healing sounds CD’s to help my children and my family function smoothly.  If ever I feel like one of my children are imbalanced in any way or acting out of character, I will always consult with Sheila and play the relevant healing sounds for them.  The results are always so positive and we can see a difference in our children’s behaviour almost straight away.  I would recommend the baby/children healing sounds to any parent, as I have seen how they have changed our life and allowed my children to be happy, well adjusted, balanced little people.


By Miranda Smith

Hi Sheila!

Our family is doing wonderfully and Charlie (4 year old, autistic) is going great guns!  We have noticed a HUGE difference.  We play the “mating yak” music every day and of a night time when he is asleep, and I honestly can’t believe how well he is going. The teacher is amazed at his progress at Kinder.  Even my husband has become a believer in kinesiology! Whatever voodoo it is, power of positive thinking, whatever it is, it is working.  Thank you so much for giving us hope.

We are wanting to book in for our follow up visit with you and have looked at the dates you will be visiting Melbourne.  One of these dates was the 22nd April which is a Sat?  Can we please book a time for this day?

It will be 12 weeks between our first initial visit and this next one. Is this a problem? We continue to play the music daily 3 times.

Please advise an appointment time and venue. We look forward to seeing you again. Our 5 year old, Jackson wants to know when we are going to see the elephant lady again, you know, the one who plays the elephant music! Sounds terrible doesn’t it!

Take care and thanks again.  See you soon,

Miranda Smith

By Joseph and Brigit

Dear Sheila, when I came at my wife’s insistence to see you I expected nothing, how I asked can this woman help me, I have been this way for many years now, I just learn to live with it, listen to the Doctor he will tell you that to.

Now I am a new man, I am standing straight, my knees do not bother me any longer, and for the first time in many years my weight is changing, as I am changing my body is changing.


You surely must be a miracle worker and we are blessed to know you.

We thank you also for the work with our son; he now has a sense of future which has been lacking in him for a long time.


God Bless you


Joseph and Brigit


St Albans


By Yvonne

Dear Sheila,

I apologise for not getting in touch with you sooner to thank you for your help with Liam.

As you know he is growing in leaps and bounds but I finally feel confident that he is now growing as an independent  and more balanced individual and not just in the physical sense of the word.

The aggression which was a daily feature of his behaviour now only manifests itself when Liam is unwell or overtired. It seems to me when I look at him that something has been “unblocked” and he now actively participates in activities which just the mere mention of previously would have led to horrendous tantrums such as painting and pasting. I am not the only one to notice these changes, his carers at crèche have commented that he is more calm and pleasant to deal with on a daily basis. They also note that the hyperactivity and nervous energy which were once so evident are almost gone.

He has stopped grinding his teeth in his sleep and I finally feel confident that when I put him to bed at night his mind is resting as well as his body. Overall he is a much happier individual. As a mother I am enjoying him so much more. The unpredictability of his behaviour in public is also a thing of the past. Thank you so much for bringing a sense of peace and control to our lives.

Lots of Love and Gratitude Always


By Lois Anderson

Dear Sheila,

Just a quick report on our weight group, we continue to support one another and we really appreciate your time and your expertise in facilitating a group session for us.

We have now released more than 40 kilos between the four of us, and we all have a ‘new you’ body, amazingly not only looking but feeling slimmer and healthier than ever before. My brother in law who was such a sceptic sings your praises constantly, and recommends you to his golfing and bowling mates.

Perhaps we can organise another visit if you are up this way again.

Keep well,

Lois Anderson

By Marissa

I feel as though I have been released from a prison, a prison of my own making, the Bulimia which has plagued me for so long is a thing of the past, and I now understand my past need to eat constantly. Who ever would have believed that it could have been some thing so simple?

The yoyo diets are a thing of the past, and I revel in my new body.

Sheila I love you,

Love Marissa


By Debbie

From Absolute Autism Program

I’m actually dreadful when it comes to writing testimonials, (isn’t that funny? I just have some sort of mental blockage to writing them!) so please feel free to reword this so it sounds better.

When my son Ryan was about 18 months old, I had some concerns about his development.  He had just barely started walking, did not play like other children his age did, and didn’t say any words.  In fact, he barely babbled.  I had him evaluated by the early intervention team, which included a speech therapist, special ed teacher and a physical therapist.  It was determined that Ryan “might” be autistic.  Since then, Ryan has undergone therapy sessions three times a week, and while there were improvements here and there, I was still very concerned and losing hope that Ryan would ever do the things other kids his age were doing.   A couple months ago, with Ryan around 20 months old, I started playing the detox program for him when he went to bed. Almost instantly, I started noticing some improvements.

He started babbling the way babies do; and soon after began using some sign language that we had been trying to get him to copy for a handful of necessary words for basic communication.  He didn’t bang his head on the floor out of frustration as much, and started wanting to be cuddled- another thing that was a little “off” with Ryan previously, he never wanted to be hugged and soon after starting the detox program he looked for cuddles!  Now, Ryan is 23 months old.  He is running and climbing, speaking about 6 words consistently and appropriately, and continues to improve daily.  The therapists still come to the house to work with Ryan and are now saying they don’t think Ryan has autism because of his quick improvements.


By Dawn

WOW! I just got done listening to the tibetan bell detox.It’s amazing how much better I feel.When the bells the bells started, I felt tinglely in several different spots in my body and then I had to go to the bathroom even though I had done so not to long ago.I feel a lot more energy now and my back doesnt hurt so much. Thanks Trevor and Sheila .Namaste to you

Peace and love also


By Heather Romeo

Dear Sheila

Thank you so much for the lovely healing last week. I had more blood tests and there has been a significant improvement.

Regards Heather Romeo

By Marc Miles

Very impressed as I listened to the audio for clearing the energy in a room. Sheila Kennedy you are doing some amazing work. Really hope that many more people embrace the undeniable fact that energy is all around us and we need to be aware of the frequencies around us. I am going to make playing this track a HABIT for sure. Thanks Sheila.

Marc Miles

By Luca

I was recommended to contact Sheila Kennedy from a friend after she spoke about the great results her daughter was experiencing. Even though I’ve been with many different practitioners for my son for the past 15 years I was still willing to try someone new, and OH My Goodness I’m so glad I did. Sheila is incredible and a master in what she does. My son had glandular fever, chronic fatigue, mood disorder, anxiety and learning problems. I had seen improvement over the years but nothing can compare to these last few months.

He’s a competitive swimmer and has struggled to achieve to his full potential due to the fatigue and constant illness. His body was corrected from the foundation up and now everyone has been left wide eyed and gasping in disbelief as he has powered his way to top club performer and received 3 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze medal in his last competition.

Sheila corrects the body, mind, soul and energetic pathways removing any blocks. Trying any other modality for healing before you see Sheila and you’re wasting your time and money.

We are grateful everyday to have experienced Sheila’s amazing talents.


By Sophia

I first met Sheila through Tina and both have helped me tremendously through some really difficult times and transitional periods in my life. In addition I hired Sheila to help me with some very specific goals for my Ms Figure competitions. Sheila created me a personalised meditation with positive affirmations and sounds to make sure my body and mind were aligned so I could get the best results possible. I ended up winning both my competitions and also took the open unlimited category.

I have been using Sheila’s specific sounds throughout the years to help me with various other aspects of my own personal development and the growth of my career as a teacher/coach and athlete. I have noticed a profound difference.

I highly recommend Sheila and the products in the Athlete’s Sports bag if you want to go to the next level in your athletic career.


By The Hefter Family

Hi Sheila,

I just wanted to share with you James’ progress over the last 2 weeks – I have noticed changes but I wasn’t sure I was seeing them because i was looking for them.

This morning we went to speech therapy as we normally do fortnightly.  We walked in he said “good morning Jayne, let’s get to work!!!”  He has never said that in his life.

The session progressed with the same enthusiasm, with Jayne looking at me incredulously at regular intervals.  At the end of the session she asked, ‘what have we been doing over the last 2 weeks”.

She apparently chose activities that James was supposed to struggle with, but he absolutely flew through them.  He made a mistake on one of the activities, looked at the situation and corrected it without a word and moved on.

We are absolutely staggered at how quickly the changes are being observed by others.

Cristian is also talking significantly more, even though the ipod (on low) is in James’ room  which is across the hallway

Thankyou again,

The Hefter Family.

By Sue

To Dearest Sheila

Thank you for everything you have done for us all, for all that you give, and for all that you are.

I cannot imagine my life without what you have done for my loved ones and me.


By Tremaine

Dear Sheila

Thank you so much for your care. You have been blessed with such amazing gifts and the generosity in which you share them is much appreciated.

All my love


By Hans S

Sheila, I write to you to say thank you, 8 kilos I have now as you say released, I can tie up my own shoelaces, a miracle for a man of my advanced age, who couldn’t even see his shoes before.


I thank you, my wife thanks you.

Hans S

By Tammy Richie

So much sound healing with my beautiful soul God mother I manifested years ago & has helped me so much throughout many challenges, Sheila Kennedy

Sheila .. I asked my higher self for a miracle time & time again but today in particular even more & looked what manifested?

So incredible & it’s a reminder to let go, surrender, send energy to best outcome, ask for what you want & allow the miracles to roll in …

Tammy Richie

By Some Lovely Person

Sheila Kennedy omg you beautiful woman ..

This has all happened because of your never ending unconditional love  you’ve continued to pour into us as well as your incredible sounds you energetically download…

I’m so grateful..

You will be part of our journey helping many ..

thank you

By Some Lovely Person

Encoding Testimonials

I must say, I feel a singular lack of anything negative at the moment – like nothing… just a peaceful softness – not still, just soft.

Susan morning after encoding sounds

By Toni Cornelius


By Max

Dear Sheila, Just a short note to express my gratitude to you for taking the time to try to make a difference in my life. For travelling to see me, to encourage me, to show me that beautiful warmth that you emit. Its hard to say meaningful things, the words that come to mind usually find themselves falling short of the feelings that I’d like to share and the things I’d like to say, but I want you to know that “thanks” is one emotion that I take seriously and that it flows directly from my heart.

Thank You,  From My Heart to Yours

Max 2003

By Josie

My experience with the use of hypnotherapy for body sculpting competition preparation.

I first met the gorgeous Sheila in 2003 when I found myself in an emotional and physical rut.


Ⓒ Copyright by SheilaKennedy.com | All rights reserved.

Copyright by SheilaKennedy.com | All rights reserved.