Improve Your Eyesight



Improve Your Hearing

The Improve Your Hearing program is based on many years of working with clients who asked about ‘hearing issues on many levels as well as for myself as I originally had a ‘hearing aid’..


Improve Your Eyesight

The Improve Your Eyesight program was  developed to release all and any blockages to the person seeing clearly.

By aligning the individual components of the ‘eye’ and releasing  memories from the Genetic Ancestral line to do with sight and or not wanting and or being willing to see clearly, and the   memories of habits and patterns which may prevent you from having optimal eyesight. The creation of the original program on which this sound is based was my own need of  glasses all day every day since I was 12, and now some 56 years later I only use them occasionally driving or sun glare.



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