Home Schooling Child Study 5




Classroom for Home Schooling Classroom 1 Bells and Frequencies, Classroom 2 Bells and Music

The two individual Classroom programsClassroom 1 Bells and Frequencies, Classroom 2 Bells and Musicare based on earlier programs that I introduced to Sounds from Source accredited trainers and Sounds from Source students many years ago.

Those vibrational programs allowed Sounds from Source accredited trainers to take an often disparate group of students, many of whom they would never have met before and to form a cohesive learning experience that assisted the individual types of learners. The four primary types of learners: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. Each of these learning types responds best to a different method of teachingor individual learning capabilities or skills or audio, visual, kinethsetic.

Each learning type responds best to a different method of teaching. Auditory learners will remember information best after reciting it back to the presenter, while kinesthetic learners will jump at the chance to participate in a hands-on activity. The visual student will respond to images and the audio to the spoken word or information.

Allowing that each person sharing or presenting information wants to be understood as well as create a positive ‘learning or sharing, it is important to cover the individual areas.

Equally I believe as important is the overall mood and attention levels of the students and it was a number of conversations with colleagues who are ‘teachers’ generally full time and the ‘levels’ of inattention and distraction that they were experiencing in classroom situations.

Having ‘home schooled’ two of my children some thirty plus years ago I had experienced both ‘teaching or sharing knowledge’ with children and adults and could understand the frustrations of teachers who genuinely wanted the best for their students.

It did not take a lot of persuasion for me to create this series of short yet powerful programs in 2013 which have not been available publicly until now.

The two individual Classroom programsClassroom 1 Bells and Frequencies, Classroom 2 Bells and Music were originally created with Tibetan Tingshaw bells which carry the intention to assist with focus and attention and the optimal levels of understanding and comprehension.

Classroom 1 Bells and Frequencies combines the Tibetan bells with a frequency overlay to assist in taking the vibrational instructions deep into the cell levels

Classroom 2 Bells and Music, by adding the music overlay they can be played on low or silent at the beginning of a session and as they are under four minutes long at 3 minutes and 45 seconds are a good option to play prior to beginning a session.

Feedback from a variety of teachers in many modalities including primary and high schools where in some instances they would have a combined class of ages and skill levels often with learning or behavioural disabilities was all positive.

They have been used by gym owners and martial arts coaches also with positive feedback.

In deciding to add the Classroom sounds to the Home Schooling programs I hope to assist those who are Home Schooling whether by their own choice or not.

By adding these programs on to the Sheila-Kennedy.com website at www.sheila-kennedy.com I can make them program available to a wider audience.



Parent / Carer Pack for Home SchoolingParent Carer, Elevated Energy

The Parent / Carer Pack is based on an early Sounds from Source sound Number 18
The Parent Carer program was created with Tibetan Tingshaw bells  and it was created to allow Parents and Carers, to release the tensions, frustration, stress and anxieties which may be associated with being a Parent and or a Carer.

These calming sounds are designed to replace the often physical as well as mental and emotional stresses and tensions of being a parent or carer with a calm, peaceful, relaxed and tranquil state, which is beneficial to the physical as well as the emotional levels of the body.

These sounds may be played as often required or desired to retain this calm peaceful state.

Length of Sound 3minutes and 27 seconds

The Parent Carer sounds were created for two reasons, having worked with children for many years and often children with learning and or behavioural difficulties, one was to assist the many parents who expressed to me the difficulties they experienced in remaining calm when the literally felt like ‘killing their children’ or to use an old expression to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater,  and the lengths they went to not give in to these urges. As a mother of numerous children myself, I could identify with those thought only too well.

The second reason was that a number of clients as well as friends who have the responsibility of children or often elderly relatives who require constant care, and that there is little available in terms of respite care or at times, or even a break. These sounds were developed to assist with these issues by creating a calm and tranquil state.

Comment from Susan – I have often used this sound for business clients, use a little lateral thinking when using the sounds. Often a business person will be a ‘parent’ caring for their business. So, if business is going through a somewhat ‘stressful’ time. Consider playing this sound.

The Elevated Energyprogram is a combination of the Tibetan Tingshaw bells overlayed with an energetic frequency intended to improve your energy levels. By providing the body with instructions to increase the available energies I often associate it with having a new lease of life or an energetic boost often referred to as ‘getting your second wind’ especially when you feel that you have ‘nothing left in the tank’!.

Sound length 3 minutes and 27 seconds

Many of the original Sounds from Source programs are Practitioner use only and fit into different categories of learning.

By adding these programs on to the Sheila-Kennedy.com website at www.sheila-kennedy.com I can make them program available to a wider audience.



The Anxiety Give away program is available at www.the7stepstofreedom.com

And the Depression Give away program is available at www.the7stepstofreedomfromdepression.com


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