Clearing Programs Energetic High Order Financial Clearing with Bells and Music

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High Order Financial Clearing with Bells and Music

One of the very early Sounds from Source sounds I created in 2004 was no 2 and I called it Financial Flow; over the years since I have explored business and finances from many levels and in creating the Financial Clearing program and the High Order Financial Clearing programs I have been able to take much of what I have learnt to create I believe even more powerful programs.



High Order Financial Clearing with Bells and Music

One of the very early Sounds from Source sounds I created in 2004 was no 2 and I called it Financial Flow; over the years since I have explored business and finances from many levels and in creating the Financial Clearing program and the High Order Financial Clearing programs I have been able to take much of what I have learnt to create I believe even more powerful programs.
Recreated into three individual programs with a choice of Tibetan Bells, Tibetan Bells and Music and Tibetan Bells and Frequencies for personal choice.
By adding specific frequencies to the Tibetan Bells it is possible to create a deeper and more in-depth program

Description of sound

The original Financial Flow sounds were developed to address the issues in the body of self worth and I said then. Although appearing to be based on a financial aspect they work at much deeper levels also for the optimum balance of the person hearing them.

By asking the body what it believes it is worth financially, (the default setting) and when it believes it is worth it (the set point) it is then possible to remove these settings and replace them with the acceptance of an Unlimited level of financial abundance and the acceptance of it into our lives Now.

The Financial Flow sounds became an integral part of the Personal and Business Abundance and Prosperity courses.

Comment from Susan– This sound will encourage financial flow to the degree that you allow it. It’s a good one to play when you are starting to clear financial issues, and at any time in the future. As you clear your resistance to finances and flow, then you will naturally allow more and more into your life. This sound is a standard one which all the students in the Abundance program use on a continual basis.
I have included some of the information from the Financial Flow program as it has created the foundation for this new series of sounds

Sound Length 2minutes and 28 seconds

How this sound came about
Moving forward to 2011 and the creation of the first as I called it The Business program an amazing array of sounds that I used with clients on three individual levels.
In 2019 I recreated many of these programs as well as adding additional information into a new series of programs called Your Energetic Business as a way of making them more available to those people who wanted to assist themselves and also to have a deeper understanding of the energetic ‘how’s and why’s’ of business.
I combined specific frequencies with the ‘Business’ sounds for improved efficacy as well as to take the encoded information to deeper levels.
When I was asked about creating a series of ‘Clearing’ sounds in March of 2020 I had not intended to add ‘Financial Clearing programs as I had spent 2019 creating the Your Energetic The Universe has a way of moving us in different directions and the ‘lock down’ of Australia due to the Covid 19 or Corona virus gave pause for thought.
I had said in the Your Energetic Business Financial Clearing 2 program:
The Financial Clearing 2 sounds followed on from the original version at no 161 to some time later a new sound at no 507 based on additional levels of information allowing the sounds take the information within these new sounds a huge step further in addressing the deeper areas of ‘Financial Currency’ and the ‘flow’ of such Financial Currency into our lives and businesses. As I have said in the original Financial Clearing sounds program the human mind does not recognise or accept the words ‘money’ or ‘cash flow’.
Accepting ‘an abundant flow of financial currency’ is a much better option to be focusing on as far as words are concerned.
The Financial Clearing 2 sounds take a step forward In ‘clearing’ blockages around such ‘abundant financial currency’ into your life or business.
The combination of these two powerful sounds together when working on any transaction which involves finances can be of great assistance.
The Financial Clearing 2 program delves into matters that you many have never considered and is the result of many years of energetically exploring financial issues with businesses owners and with their permission energetically ‘balancing’ their business or businesses.
When we look at the word ‘Financial’ the majority of people will relate that to money in all its forms i.e. dollars, euro, pounds, yen, lira, pesos.
Wikipedia tells us that Money is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts, such as taxes, in a particular country or socio-economic context.
Again Wikipedia tells us that Denomination is a proper description of a currency amount, usually for coins or banknotes. Denominations may also be used with other means of payment like gift cards. For example, five euros is the denomination of a five euro note.
From an ‘energetic’ perspective and many years of ‘Kinesiological’ questioning I am aware that the human consciousness does not recognise or accept the term ‘money’, and indeed believes that ‘Money doesn’t exist and that energetically it has no value’. The body recognises and accepts the term ‘Financial Currency’ as I said earlier. This can be a difficult realisation for many people who deal in financial matters as they are used to talking from a ‘money’ perspective.
When we look at the areas related to accumulating and disposing of property of any kind there are other issues and areas that also need to be addressed and to be aware of. One of the main areas here is the ‘chain of financial control’ which can include Financial institutions; Banks, Credit or lending organisations bonds and investments and the ongoing effects of the contacts and agreements that accompany such controls.
Here we can look at a number of areas such as the difference between value and worth; was an exchange equal or weighed in yours or someone else’s favour, you may not gain back what you have given or have received something else of a different value e.g. lesson/ experience/ allowing that we learn by our mistakes and achievements with every step.
Fear of failure based on past performance can have a huge impact here as can the levels of grief and loss from a financial as well as a personal perspective. Are you in denial /apprehension / expectation as each of these areas can have a negative impact upon you.
I have taken all of these areas into consideration in the creation of the Financial Clearing 2 sound program and again this program will be of value in other areas of your life.
In creating these new Financial Clearing sounds on two levels and in three versions we have taken another step forwards.
I suggest playing the Financial Clearing program once a week unless you have a specific transaction or situation and then they can also be played with intention to clear any blockages.


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