T.M.J T.M.J. with Bells

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T.M.J. with Bells

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction which is also known as TMJ or TMJ syndrome creates pain and compromised movement of the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles.




T.M.J. with Bells

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction which is also known as TMJ or TMJ syndrome creates pain and compromised movement of the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles.
The temporomandibular joint or T.M.J. acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. T.M.J Dysfunction can lead to pain and discomfort as well as jaw pain, difficulty in chewing and clicking and locking of the jaw joint are some of the symptoms.

I was teaching a Sounds from Source Basic Vibrational Sound program in Melbourne in 2013 when I had a student present with severe T.M.J pain and discomfort that she had been experiencing for some period of time.

At sound no 701 there was a lot of previous knowledge to draw on in creating this sound and having positive feedback is always wonderful.

At 1 minute and 39 seconds this is a short sound that can be played on repeat if required.

I went on the create a T.M.J and Frequencies sound later that same year.

The T.M.J sound releases muscle tension allowing the jaw to reposition itself correctly and may be required to be played on a regular basis until the tension in the jaw is addressed.

The second version of the T.M.J sound which came later and was layered with frequencies was intended to provide a ‘deeper’ level sound which was also of benefit to some Trigeminal Neuralgia sufferers, which although a different issue has some similarities being a chronic pain condition affecting the trigeminal nerve in the face which carries sensation from the face to the brain.
It is most common in women aged over 50, and symptoms range from mild to severe facial pain, often triggered by chewing, speaking or brushing the teeth.

The T.M.J Pack offers a selection of vibrational sound programs including T.M.J, T.M.J with frequencies, Releasing Muscle Tension and Residual Muscle Memory sounds. By adding the T.M.J programs the Sheila-Kennedy.com website at www.sheila-kennedy.com I can make these program available to a wider audience.






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