Parent Plus Pack 2




Parent / Carer Pack 4, Parent Carer, Emotional Enhancement, Elevated Energy

Relaxation 1 hour with music, Tranquility 1 hour with music


The Parent / Carer Pack is based on an early Sounds from Source sound Number 18
The Parent Carer program was created with Tibetan Tingshaw bells  and it was created to allow Parents and Carers, to release the tensions, frustration, stress and anxieties which may be associated with being a Parent and or a Carer.

These calming sounds are designed to replace the often physical as well as mental and emotional stresses and tensions of being a parent or carer with a calm, peaceful, relaxed and tranquil state, which is beneficial to the physical as well as the emotional levels of the body.

These sounds may be played as often required or desired to retain this calm peaceful state.

Length of Sound 3minutes and 27 seconds

The Parent Carer sounds were created for two reasons, having worked with children for many years and often children with learning and or behavioural difficulties, one was to assist the many parents who expressed to me the difficulties they experienced in remaining calm when the literally felt like ‘killing their children’ or to use an old expression to ‘throw the baby out with the bathwater,  and the lengths they went to not give in to these urges. As a mother of numerous children myself, I could identify with those thought only too well.

The second reason was that a number of clients as well as friends who have the responsibility of children or often elderly relatives who require constant care, and that there is little available in terms of respite care or at times, or even a break. These sounds were developed to assist with these issues by creating a calm and tranquil state.

Comment from Susan – I have often used this sound for business clients, use a little lateral thinking when using the sounds. Often a business person will be a ‘parent’ caring for their business. So, if business is going through a somewhat ‘stressful’ time. Consider playing this sound.

The Emotional Enhancement program is a combination of the Tibetan Tingshaw bells overlayed with an energetic frequency intended to improve mood and to establish improved levels of emotional enhancement. I included this program in the 7 Steps to Freedom Anxiety giveaway program some years ago as a support program and have had extremely good feedback from it.

The Emotional Enhancement program can be played as desired either individually or in a play list with the Parent carer and the Elevated Energy program. They can be on very low to silent and will not have an effect on anyone else unless they are willing to accept them.

Sound length minutes and 45 seconds

The Elevated Energyprogram is a combination of the Tibetan Tingshaw bells overlayed with an energetic frequency intended to improve your energy levels. By providing the body with instructions to increase the available energies I often associate it with having a new lease of life or an energetic boost often referred to as ‘getting your second wind’ especially when you feel that you have ‘nothing left in the tank’!.

Sound length 3 minutes and 27 seconds

By adding Sound Number 108the Relaxation Music mp3 program to this series we are able to expand on the levels of calmness and relaxation.

The 1 hourRelaxation program was created by placing one hour of beautiful music behind the sound of the Relaxation sounds.

The Sounds are repeated throughout the one hour of music for a truly tranquil experience.

Sound Length 1 hour

By adding Sound Number 107the Tranquil Music mp3 program to this series we are able to expand on the levels of calmness and tranquility.

The 1 hour Tranquility program was created by placing one hour of beautiful music behind the sound of the Tranquility sounds.

The Sounds are repeated throughout the one hour of music for a truly tranquil experience.

Sound Length 1 hour

With our great results at Sounds from Source with the sound and vibration of the bells and the back ground waves of the Massage and Body Therapist sound programs, Susan and I decided to use relaxation music with specific sounds to assist client relaxation and stress release

Many of the original Sounds from Source programs are Practitioner use only and fit into different categories of learning.


By adding these programs on to the website at I can make them program available to a wider audience.


The Anxiety Give away program is available at


And the Depression Give away program is available at


The Long and Short Tranquility Programs

The Long and Short Tranquility programs have not been packaged together previously, these short relaxing sounds were developed to assist clients to relax and let the tensions go from their bodies.

The Tranquility sounds are a short yet powerful series of sounds which instruct the cells of the body to release the pent up tensions and anxieties which are being held within the cells of the body and to replace them with calm, relaxed, tranquil and peaceful state.

There has been a great deal of positive feed back from this set of sounds, and their tranquil and calming effect is a delight to the senses, This short set of sounds may be played at any time and are ideal to relax a tense client in a clinical situation, or simply to unwind at the end of the day.

Sound Length 2minutes and 29 seconds

The Tranquility sounds were developed to allow people with high levels of stress and tension to unwind and relax.
When I was creating these sounds I personally felt an immense sense of peace and tranquility all around me, and that has stayed with me since.

I sent a copy of the Tranquility Sounds as a gift to my sister who has been confined to a wheel chair for many years, and she rang to tell me how wonderful they were and how much better she feels for hours after she has played them.

Comment from Susan – This is another sound that I absolutely adore. In my opinion everyone should own a copy of this sound. This sound ‘chills’ you out. Excellent if you are running a million miles and hour and want to just ‘sit’. Not to be played during work, Calmness is a much better option if you are a bit stressed at work or have had an argument and wish to calm down and carry on working, I would also recommend you play the Clearing sounds before playing Calmness or Tranquillity. Excellent to play before a Meditation.

The Long no 107. Tranquility Music (Tranquility sounds with music 1 hour)

The Tranquility Music mp3 program was created by placing one hour of beautiful music behind the resonant sound of the Tranquility sounds.

The Sounds are repeated throughout the one hour of music for a truly relaxing experience.

Sound Length 1 hour

How this sound came about:

With our great results with the sound and vibration of the bells and the back ground waves of the Massage and Body Therapist sound programs, Susan and I decided to use relaxation music with specific sounds to assist client relaxation and stress release

​Comment from Susan – This series of sounds are lovely
I would like to add a word of caution here, if you are a therapist – please ensure that your place is energetically ‘clean’, before playing these tracks.

You could use the Daily Practitioner mp3 or The Clearing Sounds and Sensitivity. As you are no doubt aware, there can be an energetic ‘residue’ left behind by clients. Because of the purity of the sounds – they tend to act like a giant spotlight and they will sound ‘annoying’ or ‘irritating’ if the space is not clean.
If you find this is the case, your space needs cleaning, or you or your client may have a negative attachment which needs to be addressed.
Playing the other sounds listed above will ensure that you, your client and your space is energetically clean.
These sounds when played in a clean space, with a clear therapist and client should be pleasing to the ear and relaxing on the body.

​Susan’s advice is very applicable here. One of the earliest vibrational sound programs I created is no 15 Daily Practitioner.

The Daily Practitioner Sounds are three short sets of sounds all a minute of less in duration. These powerful sounds may well be your best tool as a practitioner.

Play the first track to set your intention as a practitioner for the day for the optimum levels of intention for yourself and your client.

The second track should be played between clients to remove all emotional and energetic issues left behind by the previous client, thus avoiding the “cross contamination” of a later client picking up the emotional or energetic issues of a previous client, or clients.

The third track is played at the end of the day to release any thoughts feelings and emotions which you as a practitioner may have accepted or had attach to you which are not yours, and to re-energise and revitalise yourself.
** Available also in The Clearing Sounds for non practitioners to clear Spaces, Venues and as a variety of sounds for at home or business use.

Sound Length
Tk1 .34secs,
Tk2 .46secs,
Tk3 .50secs

The Daily Practitioner, Clearing sounds for businesses or home space and venue are available under the Holistic Practitioner programs and a variety of the Sounds from Source programs are available on the website at:

Many of the original Sounds from Source programs are Practitioner use only and fit into different categories of learning.

By adding these programs on the website at I can make them program available to a wider audience.




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