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Children’s Behaviour

The Children’s Behaviour sounds was one of the earliest Sounds from Source sounds at no 8 and were
part of a series of sounds that I have utilised a great deal. As much of my work has been based on genetic ancestral cellular memory they were intended to gently remove ‘cell memories’ of behaviour that were not beneficial to the child

The Children’s Behaviour sounds request that the body release the memories of patterns of behaviour which are seen as unacceptable to society today and the memory of memories of behaviours from the individual cells of the child.

Also the memories and patterns of behaviours of ancestors brought through from the Genetic Ancestral line into which this child was conceived and or born.

Thus allowing the child to develop for itself over a period of time its own choices of the patterns of behaviour which are acceptable both to the child and to its peers.

**These sounds are suitable for early childhood through to teens. As they have previously only been released as a Sounds from  Source practitioner sound  I recommended Anger and Frustration Habits and Patterns for older children or the Anger and Peace sounds for severe issues in younger children’

Sound Length 4minutes and 16 seconds

How this sound came about

Having had two children of my own with learning and behavioural issues, and my awareness of how little assistance other than medication is available I have been very conscious of the stigma of what is seen as unacceptable behaviour in children.

The Children’s Behaviour Sounds were developed after many years of my working with young clients; many of whom have been mis-diagnosed as ADD or ADHD.

Often the issue can be a simple as a misaligned cranial plate; a bone in the skull, which prevents the child or even an adult from having a concept of the future or the consequences of actions.

The coloured AZO dyes in modern clothing and foods can also have a negative impact on many children often leading to an mis-diagnosis of a ‘now this needs to be treated condition’.

In most instances the issues are easily dealt with, allowing the child to be accepted by its peers without the need for what are seen as unacceptable behaviours.

Comment from Susan – I have found the children’s behaviour and communication sounds to be fantastic in helping the children to calm down and move on. I have to say though, that it is also necessary to sometimes teach the children some new or different behaviours in order for them to progress. If you are playing the sounds in conjunction with an additional learning program or children’s tutor, what you may find, is that your child accepts the new suggested behaviours or tactics much more readily.

For sensitive or ‘high vibration’ children the series of Sensitive sounds for children may be of benefit.

Children’s Communication

Again an early Sounds from Source practitioner program at no 5; much of my work has been with children with various levels of learning difficulties from the mild through to the ‘Autism Spectrum Disorders’ The Children’s Communication sounds .  like the children’s behaviour sounds have not preciously been released. They address the many levels of communication in children, including all and any fears of communication, as in one on one communication or in a group situation, and communication with family, friends, peers, teachers, aides and persons in authority.

These powerful sounds are designed to remove blockages to the child communicating clearly and to the best of their ability.

Sound Length 4minutes and 13 seconds

Through my years of work with children I originally created The Children’s Learning program, a 2 sound set to facilitate Children’s Learning back in 2005 based on how we as adults speak to children as parent’s and teachers, and  how the words we use to children can have an ongoing and often negative impact.As well as a learning meditation based on the story of a clown ( before I realised that many children do not like clowns)

I  was aware that much of the ‘lack of communication’ in children was due to the levels of fear of communicating;  of being misunderstood, or of ‘getting it wrong’, and that children believe what they are told by an adult, ieThe ‘You will never be any good at maths etc’

The Children’s Communication sounds were developed to release these fears from the cellular structure of the body, and are suitable to be used with the Children’s Behaviour program.

Comment from Susan – I have personally played this sound many times on many different occasions for my daughter, particularly when she started a new school year, as she had a lot of anxiety around this when she was very young. I suggest that if you play this sound for your child, judge whether or not it is useful to tell them what you are playing. If they want to communicate better, for instance then are in the debating team at school or are presenting a school project, then the knowledge of what you are playing may be helpful in allowing them to utilise the sound better within their cells. Although, be sure to point out that playing the sound, is not a replacement for practicing their speech! However, if they are very young or very upset – just play it softly in order to help them calm down and communicate. I would also suggest playing the ‘clearing sounds’ before hand – if they have just experienced some trauma.


Communication has been a fascination of mine for many years and has been the foundation of a number of programs both health and business related.

Learning Bells

The Learning sounds joined the Sounds form Source programs at number 163


Created in 2005/ 2006. They were created with Tibetan Tingshaw bells and can be played on very low to silent, like the majority of the Sounds from Source programs

Description of sound

The Learning sounds are a combination of the Vibrational sounds which I have supplied for many a child over the years to assist with the integration of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and new cutting edge information on learning and its processes.

Many a child or adult who is told that they ‘cannot learn’ may have been misdiagnosed with one of the many ‘alphabet soup’ series of disorders as I describe them due to lack of ‘brain integration’ during the first year of life.

My belief that it is possible to ‘activate’ the interaction between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and to improve learning facilities for both children and adults.

Much of the research that has gone into this program has come about through my fascination with the Autism Spectrum Disorder and has assisted in the creation of this sound.

Sound Length 6minutes and 24 seconds

How this sound came about
A discussion with a colleague in Melbourne, who is a Sounds from Source practitioner, led to my broaching the subject of adding this sound to the Sounds from Source programs with Susan.

Now Susan is a lady who doesn’t let the grass grow under her feet, as well as being a Mother, and immediately agreed that this was a ‘must have’ sound, as it would benefit many children. She even went out of her way to organise its recording so as to make it available as soon as possible.

It is also of benefit to adults as well as children.

Description of sound
The Learning sounds can be utilised in anumber of ways; played before you school, while learning to assist in maintaining focus and concentration, or they can be played over night on a low volume to assist with brain integration.

It is possible to ‘test’ the levels of brain integration through ‘kinesiological’ questioning and to ascertain the changes; as ‘brain integration’ should take place around the seventh month following birth the ‘younger’ the child past that time and the ‘quicker’ the process of ‘integration’.

The Learning sounds were originally created for the Absolute Autism program and later became the foundation for the brain and memory programs which became a part of the Absolute Autism series in 2007.

They are also beneficial if combined with the Motivation, Memory Improvement or The Brain and Memory programs.

By adding the Learning sounds to  www.sheila-kennedy.com I can make this program available to a wider audience.



The Study Program Bells


The Study sounds are an early Sounds from Source program at no 67 and were created in 2005/ 2006. Like the majority of the Sounds from Source programs they have been created with Tibetan Tingshaw bells and can be played on very low to silent.

Description of sound
The Study sounds were originally developed to assist a number of young clients of mine. These non invasive sounds have been immensely popular with both the young student and older clients alike, with many reporting an ease of studying that they had never experienced before.

The Study sounds can be utilised in anumber of ways; played before you study, while you are studying to assist in maintaining focus and concentration, or they can be played over night on a low volume to assist with memory retention. They are also beneficial if combined with the Motivation, Memory Improvement or The Brain and Memory programs.

Sound Length 6 minutes 47 seconds

Historically the impetus for creating the study soundwas a request from ‘country clients’who’s son had travelled to the city to attend university and who was in his own words ‘struggling’ with the work load required at university,


He was one of a  number of younger clients who complained about their lack of focus and concentration when studying, especially those studying at higher education and university levels where the study load can be quite high, ​These sounds have been extremely popular with many people, with a number of young clients I trialled them with reporting higher grades with less effort on their part.

The information which was contained within the Study sounds became the basis or foundation for exploring a number of later sounds including motivation, memory improvement and later the brain and memory programs which became a part of the Absolute Autism series in 2007.

By adding the Study sounds to  www.sheila-kennedy.com I can make this program available to a wider audience.




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