Clearing Programs Energetic High Order Personal Clearing with Bells and Frequencies

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High Order Personal Clearing with Bells and Frequencies

The High Order Personal Clearing or High Order Personal Protection as it is sometimes known program has been adapted from the Sounds from Source sound no 688 of the same name and I will share the information on this program below.



High Order Personal Clearing with Bells and Frequencies

The High Order Personal Clearing or High Order Personal Protection as it is sometimes known program has been adapted from the Sounds from Source sound no 688 of the same name and I will share the information on this program below.
Recreated into three individual programs with a choice of Tibetan Bells, Tibetan Bells and Music and Tibetan Bells and Frequencies for personal choice.
By adding specific frequencies to the Tibetan Bells it is possible to create a deeper and more in-depth program.
The original Personal Clearing sounds no 160 are based on the information from some of the very early sounds no’s 14 and 30 Clearing Space and Venue, and Clearing Home Space and Venue, and No’s 15 and 58 Daily Practitioner and Office Career.
Moving forward to sound no 688 a number of years and a great many more sounds had been created and the depths and levels of this sound are the difference between kindergarten and university as an example.

Description of Sound
Like the Personal Clearing sounds at no 160 The no 688 High Order Personal Clearing or High Order Personal Protection as it is sometimes known program has been adapted from the Sounds from Source sound no 160 of the same name These powerful sounds were specifically created to deal with the issues of other people and situations having a negative or overpowering effect and by picking up the stale and often deliberate energies and emotions deliberately left behind or ‘dumped’ by other people in homes public locations, offices, venues and so on.

From Susan and I discussing our personal energy fields with sound no 160 and how we ‘pick up’ as energetic beings so much of what is around us, even just going to the shopping centre, school, or for a walk in the park, the the High Order Personal Clearing or High Order Personal Protection as it is sometimes known program is a truly powerful sound.
These short yet powerful sounds will assist you to ‘clear’ your own energy fields and can be played as desired.

Sound Length 2 minutes and 27 seconds

How this sound came about

Susan and I have many discussions about the sounds and our combined work, this was one of those discussions, which came about after the Energetic Balance and Harmony Practitioner course was completed in 2008, and I had gone into some detail on some of the ways to ‘cleanse’ your own energy fields.

Why? Susan asked me could there not be a sound for Personal Clearing, based on the information in the Space and Venue, Home Space and Venue, Daily Practitioner and Office Career sounds, and while I was at it, what about a sound for clearing peoples financial situations as well?

Now as I have commented previously, it is just as well I like this lady as she can be a slave driver extraordinaire. So with a Yes ‘Miz Susan’, as I usually reply in these instances [ just as well she likes me also] I set to work to create the Personal Clearing and the Financial Clearing sounds.

To say that we are pleased with them is an understatement, we hope that you enjoy them also. They can be added to a daily playlist or played as desired.

Comment from Susan – What can I say? Am I really a slave driver? Possibly – but only for the greater good, I can assure you! When I first played this sound – it really made me yawn – which for me and many others, is a definite sign that things are shifting, moving and clearing. Takes the clearing sounds to a very personal level.

​I would recommend this sound for everyone – but to truly optimise its value to you – I would suggest you have a session with a practitioner or do some exercises from the Sounds from Source academy site to enable this sound to work on deeper levels.

Combinations of use with other sounds

Any and all of the vibrational sounds; especially Personal Clearing, Financial Clearing, and External Sabotage


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