Emotional Healing Tracks and Emotional Enhancement




Holistic Practitioner 11

Emotional Healing Tracks 1 – 7 and Emotional Enhancement

Emotional Healing

The seven individual Emotional Healing tracks are intended to be played as a sequence of vibrational sound programs to enhance a personal or a client experience. They are based on the seven ‘acknowledged’ chakras of Base or Root, Hara, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow and Crown. (I personally believe and work with the fact that there are many more chakras)

The seven Emotional Healing tracks are comprised of Tibetan Tingsha bells and intention taking them into the depths of cell memory and creating a spiritual chakra balance.

Track 1 2 minutes and 50 seconds

Track 2 2 minutes and 20 seconds

Track 3 2 minutes and 45 seconds

Track 4 2 minutes and 20 seconds

Track 5 2 minutes and 15 seconds

Track 6 2 minutes and 44 seconds

Track 7 2 minutes and 40 seconds


Emotional Enhancement

The Emotional Enhancement program is a combination of vibrational sounds with the Tibetan Tingsha bells and an energetic frequency. This is a wonderful program for lifting a mood or creating an emotional ambiance. It can be played as often asdesired; it is suitable to be played low in the background and can be played on repeat.

As with the majority of the vibrational sound programs it will not have an effect on anyone else unless they choose to accept it.

Sound length 5 Minutes and 45 seconds

In combiningthe individual practitioner packages  good deal of thought went into the inclusion of these high level vibrational sound and frequency programs to non Sounds from Source practitioners. By adding these programs on the Sheila-Kennedy.com website at www.sheila-kennedy.com I can make them available to a wider audience.





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