Detox ANYY Programs Detoxing Heavy Metals

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The Detoxing Heavy Metals program was created in 2013 although I did a considerable amount of research on it in the early 2000?s and included some instructions relating to it into The Road to Wellness Once a Month detox program. Many of the early recommendations were based on chelation therapies with an abundance of ?clays? to be ingested.

In creating the Detoxing Heavy Metals program instructions were given by creating specific Tibetan bell sounds which were then overlayed with energetic frequencies.

For those with Heavy Metal toxicity and seriously it is not just what we ingest in the food we eat and the air around us we can also have genetic issues passed on form our ancestors who have gone before us. Mercury and Lead are common ancestral heavy metals for example.

My suggestions for utilising this program for detoxing Heavy Metals toxicity is to use

this program once a month to allow the body to follow a cycle of cleansing individual areas of the body during that 30 day cycle.? At 1 hour and 9 minutes this is a long program which can be played on low to silent as you go about your day once a month.


Detoxing Heavy Metals Bonus

In creating the Joint Pain program instructions were given by creating specific Tibetan bell sounds which were then overlayed with energetic frequencies. Joint pain has been added as a bonus to the Detoxing Heavy Metals program as I have found that many people have deposits of ?heavy metals? lodge in their joints which may have a ?wearing? effect on the joint.

The Joint Pain sounds at 5 minutes long can be played as desired and includes an instruction for joint repair.

The Joint Pain program is part of a set of three individual pain programs created over a number of years.

FAQs (Frequent Asked Questions)

Q 1 How often can I or do I need to play The ?A New Younger You Detoxing Heavy Metals Program? MP3 program? / How often can you play the Detoxing Heavy Metals program?

A 1 The Detoxing Heavy Metals program is a gentle process utilizing vibrational sound to detox the cells and tissues of the body easily and effortlessly. My suggestions on times will vary and I always recommend listening to your body.

Similar to the New Road to Wellness there are a number of instruction contained within the Detoxing Heavy Metals program, the difference here is that rather than those instructions being over a twenty eight day period, they are intended to be self adjusting for the individual body.

For example I would suggest beginning playing the Detox once for the first month and notice or make note of any changes. I have asked that the detox be of a gentle nature and at a pace that can be comfortably accommodated.

Depending on your individual results the time between the use of the program can be shortened if you wish to once a fortnight / twice a month if your body is comfortable handling the detox. If you are familiar with using Kinesiology or Muscle Testing

Muscle Testing with another person

As an override to the suggestions above; if you are familiar with Kinesiology / Muscle Testing or some other form of ascertaining answers to questions for yourself, e.g.dowsing, pendulum work or similar then I suggest that you ?fine tune? how often your body requires the Detoxing Heavy Metals sounds to be played for optimal use. It is possible over time that the frequency can be reduced or increased depending on the individual.

Q 2 What can I expect from the Detoxing Heavy Metals Program?

A 2 This could be called the $64,000 question. As everyone is individual, so are their bodies and their results will be equally as individual. As I said earlier with all of the detoxification programs I have created over the years I have instructed the body that any detoxification be of a gentle nature and at a level that the individual can comfortably accommodate. Basically, my intention is that these programs are ?self adjusting? to the individual. Depending on the levels and types of ?heavy metals? in the body results may vary with the individual.

For example someone who has worked for a long time in an industry that has exposed them to the effects of heavy metals will generally take longer for the body to detox than someone who has had a shorter exposure.

My suggestion would be to continue with the program while your body is responding to the instructions. Where one person may need a monthly play for 6 months another person may require 12 months or more.

The deeper the levels of toxicity one would expect to ?take more time? however I have found interesting results with individual people over more than 15 years and prior to the early detox programs in utilising some of the ?earlier? sounds.

I will add in an ?override? here that these programs will not work if they are not

Am I being harsh? Actually, I am coming from a space of honesty and practicality, I have personally ?bought? programs in the past with the good intentions of ?using / playing them? and seriously ?life has got in the way?. One of the ?good? things about this program is it does not need to interfere with your life. You DO NOT need to sit and listen to the program, adorn yourself with headphones or ear buds. These programs have been created to work with vibration and can be played on very low to silent in the background if you wish.

Q 3 You said in Question 2 that I DO NOT need to sit and listen to the program, adorn yourself with headphones or ear buds. These programs have been created to work with vibration and can be played on very low to silent in the background if you wish. Can they have an effect on the other people in the house?

A 3 As I said previously ?One of the ?good? things about this program is it does not need to interfere with your life. Although these programs have been created to work with vibration and can be played on very low to silent in the background if you wish they will not have an effect on anyone else unless they are ?willing to accept them?. Now if we take that statement a step further and give it some consideration I had said for many years that the ?sounds? as I call them worked like throwing a stone into a pond and having the ?ripple effect? go out. One day the body of consciousness that I have worked with since 2004 did a ?sorry Sheila, you have got it wrong?.

What they explained to me was about morphogenic resonance and quantum physics (not my fields of expertise at all) and that ?sound travels? basically in waves. When you listen to or experience a ?vibrational sound program your body basically ?encodes? the memory of the program within your cell structure. We can see this as ?each of your cells? contains the vibration that you have experienced.

Just as other people can ?pick up? on our thoughts and feelings they may also ?pick up? on the vibration encoded within your cells and as we are sentient beings or able to feel or perceive things, you may find that other people may have a ?I wouldn?t mind whatever it is that (xyz) is having on a deeper cellular level.

If we take that statement a step further; often in You creating change in You that can have a flow on effect to other people. I have used this explanation for a long time as I have spent years working with children: I see young ?Johnny? as a client and his behaviour improves. Johnny goes off to school and has a good and non disruptive day in class. Johnny?s teacher goes home and she is ?less stressed? as she hasn?t had to fight with Jonny all day to keep him focused. Johnny goes home and he has had a good day at school so he is in a good mood when he arrives home. Johnny?s mother who loves him dearly is less stressed after Johnny arrives home as he is in a good mood and not upset about the happenings at school. Johnny?s siblings quickly pick up on the changes in the household and are also more relaxed. Johnny?s Father arrives home to a more calm and settled family and the calm-ness flows on to him as well and it continues on. Now this can be true with the majority of the vibrational sound programs,

Q 4 As I am wanting to detox the heavy metals in my body by using the Detoxing Heavy Metals program is there a specific amount of fluids that I need to be consuming?

A 4 With the New Road to Wellness Detox I recommend 2 to 3 litres of fluid a day to assist the body in detoxing toxins from the body (I also recommend the addition of 20% of Apple and Pear or Apple Pear and Raspberry Juice to assist with hydration). Pre packaged juices can be obtained in most supermarkets or fresh juices can be added if you prefer,

In the case of the Detoxing Heavy Metals many people are on medically advised programs which may include ?restricted? fluid limits with the intention of not placing more pressure on the lymphatic system or so as not to interfere with a medical regime.

In these instances I recommend that you follow the advice of your medical practitioner. There are two reasons for this:

1 Your medical practitioner is aware of your specialised situation and the best person to advise you,

2 The Detoxing Heavy Metals program is very different to the New Road to Wellness Once a Month Detox program as to be the ?proverbial chalk to cheese? as with the Lymph Detox and the body will deal with the removal of toxins in a different way.

The individual programs contain completely different instructions as they are created to ?address specific issues.

Q 5 You mentioned foggy thinking or brain fog. I have been told that my memory loss and at times vagueness are a result of Heavy Metal Toxicity Can the Detoxing Heavy Metals program assist with this?

A 5 There are a number of issues that can contribute to ?foggy thinking or brain fog and I believe that an overload of heavy metals can be one. In some instances dehydration of the brain tissue can be as detrimental as too much hydration. Dehydration of the brain can lead to foggy thinking, headaches, and or memory issues.

The information and instructions from the Specialised Balance programs with specific balancing to assist the cerebrospinal fluid and the fluid systems of the body may also assist in clarity of thinking, as well as a more efficient body fluid process of moving fluids around the body.

Q 6 Since I have been using the ?The Detoxing Heavy Metals MP3 program, I have noticed odd ?tastes? of things in my mouth at times is this normal? Sometimes it is a metallic taste and often following a ?hot? drink.

A 6 The body ?stores? memories within the cells, and it is common for these memories to be released during a detox, and they usually do not last for long. Long. Another explanation is that the body detoxes in the reverse order to which it has taken toxins in and the release of a toxin lower in the body may be noticed or surface in the mouth and we will look at two reasons for this.

1 For some one who has been a smoker for example and decides to give up cigarettes, the fist place the body will detox the toxins is through the tongue ? the first place that the toxins are absorbed when the cigarette is smoked.

This is why many people struggle to ?quit? cigarettes. They get up in the morning and their mouth ?tastes like the bottom of a bird cage? to use an old saying; they generally reach for a ?drink?. The toxins present on the top of the tongue that the body has ?detoxed? out get washed down into the stomach and eventually are processed again by the liver? over time the liver indicates that if you are going to keep giving it the ?refuse? it may as well have the cigarette and the cycle continues.

Q 7 I noticed an odd odour on my skin after playing The Detoxing Heavy Metals MP3 program and identified it as a metallic smell, could this be true?

A 7 Yes, it is very common for the body to release through the skin odours of medications, cigarette usage (even for people who have stopped smoking many years ago) and heavy metals even anaesthetics. I have been aware of this with both the New Road to Wellness detox and the Lymph detox. Other areas that you may notice different ?odours? can be breath, urine, faeces and in some instances changes in your sense of smell.

Q 8 I have noticed a couple of bouts of sweating since I used the Detoxing Heavy Metals detox program and identified it as an ?acrid? odour or smell, could this be true?

A 8 Yes it can be. Your skin is the largest organ in the body, imagine taking two kidneys from the butchers and rolling them out with a large rolling pin, and then draping this thin ?sheet? over the body, basically that is your ?skin?. We detox more toxins through our skin than we do through our kidneys on a daily basis. So during the detox process your body will eliminate more through your skin than at any other time.

Because you are specifically aiming your detox process at the deposits of ?heavy metals? your body is also focused on following the instructions to gently ?detox? these ?heavy metal deposits? from your body in a safe and gentle manner. Different substances may present with ?individual odours? that may or may not be familiar to you.

I personally find that my body detoxes through my skin of a night and that they can be ?cold? sweats rather than a ?hot menopausal? type sweat for example. Another area to be aware of is ?sweating? often releases ?salts? from the body and this can lead to ?cramps? .and often these are in the extremities hands, feet, and legs especially..

Electrolytes lost in high concentrations through sweat include sodium and chloride, while electrolytes lost in low concentrations include potassium magnesium and calcium. Tissue salts may be of benefit here. Tissue Salts are specially prepared micro-doses of the body’s 12 essential minerals.

Tissue Salts are based on the original system developed by Dr H Schuessler, a German chemist and physician, who recognized that when the body is lacking one of these 12 essential minerals many common ailments may occur.

I had Tissue Salts recommended to me forty years ago and have used them since. In all instances please consult your Medical Practitioner.

Q 9 Can I use the Detoxing Heavy Metals program for my children?

A 9 In creating the original and then the ?The New ?Road to Wellness? MP3 programs as well as the Lymph Detox and the Heavy Metal detox I have made them suitable for all ages from tiny babies to the elderly. Children?s bodies will complete the detox process in a much shorter time than their adult counterparts. Recently, a 2year old client completely detoxed in less than a week. We can add in another related question here and ask?

Why was I monitoring the ?detoxification? of a small child?

Children have long been a passion of mine, and my belief that if you can assist a child then you do not have an adult with a problem has been a ?mantra? for me for many years.

One of the initial questions I ask when working with children is the levels of or percentage of toxins and especially heavy metals in the brain; working with the ?ASD? (Autism Spectrum Disorder) or ?Alphabet Soup? as I refer to them ?classifications? has been a big part of my life for many years. I have found in every tested instance that a number of issues present. One of these has been heavy metal toxicity and a second ?lack of integration? between the two halves of the brain which should take place around seven months after birth. Integration can be easily effected and the message carriers between the two halves grown using vibrational sounds; clearing the heavy metals component was more difficult until the original The Road to Wellness program. The Detoxing Heavy Metals program allowed a whole new level of ?hands off? self healing to evolve.

Q 10 Can the Detoxing Heavy Metals sounds be played too often?

A 10 As I have said previously, with all of the detoxification programs I have created over the years I have instructed the body that any detoxification be of a gentle nature and at a level that the individual can comfortably accommodate. While I do make individual recommendations for each program I also off the information below. If you are familiar with using Kinesiology or Muscle Testing

Muscle Testing with another person

As an override to the suggestions above; if you are familiar with Kinesiology / Muscle Testing or some other form of ascertaining answers to questions for yourself, e.g.dowsing, pendulum work or similar then I suggest that you ?fine tune? how often your body requires the Detoxing Heavy Metals sounds to be played for optimal use. It is possible over time that the frequency can be reduced or increased depending on the individual.

I felt that this question should be shared as it made me smile.

Q 11 A friend of mine shared some information with me on one of your new programs; who are you and how do you do what you do? Sorry that?s two questions, and asked with love.

A 11 Hi my name is Sheila and I am a mother, grandmother, great grandmother and in many instances a girl in a woman?s body. I have an inquiring mind, a need to know, and a passion to create solutions. I hope that helps.

A New Younger You Programs

Detoxing BPA and Endocrine Disruptors

Longevity Under 40 Years

Longevity over 40 Years

Detoxing Heavy Metals

Detoxing the Energetic Bodies

Lymph Detox

The New Road to Wellness ONCE A Month Detox
Sheila Kennedy Websites


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