Clearing Public Spaces with Frequencies



Clearing Public Spaces with Frequencies

The Clearing Public Spaces with Frequencies Program is a new release and one of three individual programs with a choice of Tibetan Bells, Tibetan Bells and Music and Tibetan Bells and Frequencies for personal choice.
By adding specific frequencies to the Tibetan Bells it is possible to create a deeper and more in-depth program.



Clearing Public Spaces with Frequencies

The Clearing Public Spaces with Frequencies Program is a new release and one of three individual programs with a choice of Tibetan Bells, Tibetan Bells and Music and Tibetan Bells and Frequencies for personal choice.
By adding specific frequencies to the Tibetan Bells it is possible to create a deeper and more in-depth program.
Description of sound
The Clearing Public Space with frequencies sounds have been created in three versions. Based on an original program created for a young client who manages bands to ‘clear’ venues between performances, they were originally extended to be able to be used in personal spaces such as homes and later into clearing public spaces.

Clearing Public Spaces with Frequencies

This 3 minute and 40 second track can be played on low or silent, a great option to have on your phone especially in the current climate of ‘energies’.

How this sound came about

The original Clearing Sounds are one of my favourite sounds, and they were developed in 2005 as 3 individual tracks to fit the needs of a young client/ friend of mine, who is the manager of a number of musicians. He had commented to me on how difficult it was to set up for a particularly sensitive musician after the previous performers had for example been a ‘rock group’, and expressed a need to be able to ‘clear’ such energies.
So thank you, Jamie.

In recreating the Clearing Public Spaces with Frequencies program into a single track and adding additional information and frequencies it truly is a powerful sound. Allowing that everything we touch we leave an energy imprint and those ‘energies’ good, bad or indifferent may have a negative effect on us. We can question who sat on the bus tram or train seat before we did, and how were they feeling?
The overwhelm, irritation and more may not be ‘ours’.

Comment from Susan – I love this series of sounds. I play the home version everyday when I arrive home to clear any negative feelings or energies from me and I play it for my husband and daughter as well. This sound can also be played in combination with most of the other sounds. If you are in a bad mood, play it with the intent to release any negative or angry feelings. Play this sound as often as you need too.

Originally only available via A Sounds from Source house clearing package or from a trained Sounds from Source practitioner who has been trained in house clearing.

Combinations of use with other sounds

Additional programs that may be of benefit in clearing Home Space and Venue include Home Space and Venue Clearing, Clearing Space and Venue, Calling Cards, Gifts with Strings, Clearing Buildings, Clearing Land.


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