Clearing Programs Energetic Clearing Land with Bells

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Clearing Land with Bells

I have spent many years clearing ‘Land and related areas’ of energetic issues and going back to 2005 I wrote a small book called Meeting with Spirit which shared some of my experiences of travelling to areas to do so.



Clearing Land with Bells

I have spent many years clearing ‘Land and related areas’ of energetic issues and going back to 2005 I wrote a small book called Meeting with Spirit which shared some of my experiences of travelling to areas to do so.
The original Meetings with Spirit book became a second book as Meetings with Spirit 2 and was joined by Healing Homes both of which I have introduced in the Real Estate and Property program for Your Energetic Business.

The Clearing Land with Bells program was originally created many years ago and was designed to specifically clear properties and land of any energetic overlays or attachments whether from the current or previous owners and to release the energetic ownerships of the property.
I often speak about what I refer to as an ‘Energetic Fingerprint’, and I have for many years discussed the fact that everything we ‘physically’ touch we leave an ‘energetic fingerprint’ or residual memory, and that these ‘energetic fingerprints’ can linger for many years. Not only in and on the structure of homes or buildings and the interior fittings and furniture, also the uncomfortable feelings of old arguments, stresses and traumas that give the ‘you could have cut the air with a knife’ feeling or the sensation of feeling unsettled when walking into some premises or onto specific areas of ‘land’.
Please remember that although ‘land’ may look clear and often ‘untouched’ that it may have been ‘walked on’ or habited generations ago and that there may be lingering or ‘energetic claims’ on the land and the physical property from previous owners both indigenous and more recent as well as previous structures that may have been built on the land.
Buildings and dwelling can and do retain memories of residual energies from tradespeople who have been involved in the construction or upgrades and repairs on any improvements on a property or land including dams, water courses, fences and roads both on and around the property e.g. concreters, bricklayers, carpenters, plumbers and the like who may have left an ‘energetic fingerprint’ during the construction of such improvements or buildings.
More recently the issues of restrictions affecting the world on many levels may also ‘activate’ previous memories or energetic fingerprints or restrictions as well as griefs and losses which can have a negative impact on sensitive people.
The powerful sounds that make up The Clearing Land with Bells program addresses these issues assisting you to cleanse the energetic fingerprint or footprint of the land and to reenergise the area.
The Clearing Land with Bells can be played as required and may be left on repeat for areas where there are deep areas to be addressed



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