Alleviate Jetlag with Bells and Music



Alleviate Jetlag with Bells and Music

The Alleviating Jetlag with Bells and Music is one of a series of programs by Sheila Kennedy to assist with Jetlag and was recreated from being a part of a new series of programs called Your Energetic which combine Tibetan bells, specific energetic frequencies and gentle music with additional information to create a more complete and well rounded program to assist the traveller.



Alleviate Jetlag with Bells and Music

The Alleviating Jetlag with Bells and Music is one of a series of programs by Sheila Kennedy to assist with Jetlag and was recreated from being a part of a new series of programs called Your Energetic which combine Tibetan bells, specific energetic frequencies and gentle music with additional information to create a more complete and well rounded program to assist the traveller.

The Alleviating Jetlag with Bells and Music program has been created to prevent Jet Lag and disturbed rest patterns while travelling and to assist in a calm and relaxed flight experience.

Consisting of a 5 minutes and 31 seconds track of music and Tibetan bells, this unique program instructs the cellular structure of your body to adapt to the conditions around you easily and effortlessly. Part of that instruction is that your body maintains its maximum hydration, that your rest patterns are as close to normal as possible and that the effects of EMF’s or Electro Magnetic Frequencies and similar frequencies which may have an impact on your body are minimalised.

Time spent in aircraft and especially extended flight times can cause dehydration and this can have often visible effects on the skin, as well as on the cell structure of the body itself

To aid your hydration whilst travelling especially in flying I suggest using 50 / 50 water and lemonade as a drink, so when offered a drink by a flight attendant ask for a lemonade (sugar based) and water and mix the 2 together. If available 20% Apple and Pear Juice or Apple Pear and Raspberry juice in water which is more readily absorbed by the body. (This is a good tip whether travelling or not)

The Alleviate Jetlag with Bells and Music program may be transferred to computer IPod or mobile phone for ease of use with no effects on its performance.

For those with a fear of flying the program may be used at the beginning of a trip or prior to that time as it will assist with relaxation and lessen anxiety.

You may use this program as often as you wish as you travel, it is beneficial in Airports, on Airplanes etc to promote a sense of calm, relaxation and well being as well as well as adjust your cellular structure to the time zone you are passing through; this is especially beneficial if you are trevally from one hemisphere to another.

A different version specifically for Athletes and Sportspeople is included in the Athletes SportsBag Membership prpgram at www.thebestworkoutforyou,com

This program is intended to work with your muscle structure while you are travelling so as not to ‘reduce’ muscle performance due to not exercising or working out during travel.

The Athletes SportsBag offers a 7 day free trial membership with good downloadable programs.





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