Spiritual Gratitude or Ambition?

November 20, 2022by Sheila Kennedy

Gratitude or Ambition?

Recently I read the following post by David M. Rountree. David is an Author/ Writer at AuthorAuthor, Lecturer, Paranormal Researcher and Talent at Ideal Event Management and Consultant at Paranexus Anomalous Research inc. . A wise man indeed.  David tells me he didn’t write the words, they are accredited to ‘Om Swami’, however he is a man of profound insight and I thank him for sharing.

I was impressed with David’s post and it echoed many of the sentiments that are shared In the Sounds from Source You Tube Messages from Mikael writings.

Please enjoy.

What is more important? To value what you have or to value what you do not have? Think about it for a moment.

Gratitude is valuing what you have and ambition is valuing what you may or may not have in the future. If you drown the voice of gratitude in the roars of your ambitions, all you will be left with is a great deal of noise and no music.

Why? Because often ambitions are endless, they are in multiple, they are not cohesive whereas gratitude is the collective response to everything life has given you, everything you already have.

Long, long ago on an island lived a group of emotions, both positive and negative. Their names were Pleasure, Sorrow, Grief, Insecurity, Anger, Fear, Compassion, Humility and Gratitude. That was not all though.

The island was inhabited by other entities that governed a higher place in the society. They were Ego, Wealth and Time.

Love was a resident too but it mostly lived with others, it never held onto anything, it owned nothing, it was mellow, kind and soft.

All of the above were tenants at the houses of humans on that island.
With glaciers melting and the sea level rising, the island was gradually sinking. It was clear it would disappear before long. The residents called an urgent meeting and concluded it was time to leave the island.

They decided everyone was responsible for making their own arrangements. They got to the task. Love thought differently though. It did not want to abandon an island that sheltered it for so long. It wanted to wait till the last moment, it was hopeful some might stay back. For Love, it was not a matter of trade or give-and-take, it was more a question of integrity and promise. The island was fast losing its dry ground to the obdurate ocean.

The humans were the first to leave the island. Some of the negative emotions like Sorrow, Grief and Insecurity left with them.

Love had no boat of its own. It looked expectantly at the other emotions on the ship and pleaded, “Please, can I board your ship?”

Humans did not even respond. They were too busy fighting among themselves.

“We’ve latched onto the humans ourselves,” the emotions spoke in unison, “we’ve no place for you here.”
Just then, Love saw Ego sailing his boat made of steel. It looked rather strong, heavy but sturdy.
“Can I join you?” Love said, “I take very little space.”

“No!” Ego yelled, “Anger and Fear have taken the other two places I’ve on my boat. Besides, I have only met you occasionally whereas they are my bosom friends. I can’t let them go.”

Water was rising fast and at a short distance Love saw a magnificent yacht. It was owned by Wealth.
“Can you please let me on board?” said Love.
“I’m sorry but I already have Pleasure,” Wealth responded, “I can’t part company with him.”

Love looked at the dismal state around. Just then a voice called out, “Come, Love, come. Hop in.”

As soon as Love got on the boat, it saw Compassion, Humility and Gratitude exuding brilliant radiance. They were on board already. Love thanked them.
“Oh, it’s not our boat,” Gratitude said, “you need not thank us.”

“Whose boat is it then?” Love was surprised. “Who has saved me?”
“It belongs to Time,” Compassion answered.

“But, I was worthless in everyone else’s eyes. Why has Time saved my life?”
“You see, Love,” spoke Humility, “Time alone knows your real value.”

If you reread and reflect on it, this anecdote has the wisdom of life. In our fast-paced world, you can be so focused on getting to the destination, in crossing the finish line, that priceless things appear worthless. The worth of anything is not determined from its price but value.
Imagine you sacrificed your health and your family to make ten million dollars faster than anybody you know. The price of that sacrifice maybe ten million but what about the value of that ten million? Is it worth the price, the sacrifice? When gratitude fuels your ambition, it becomes an effortless journey but when ambition drives gratitude, a sense of lacking never really leaves you. When you have compassion, gratitude, humility, what you have is love indeed. These three are the primary constituents of love. Every other variation may just be an attachment or an obsession.
It is when we lose what we have, when Time separates us from what we take for granted, do we really understand the value of what we had. I have left those footprints in the sand…..


Messages from Mikael



It is with compassion that I speak with you today… and I speak of compassion to you…

The compassion for one who is hurting…

The compassion for one who is grieving…

The compassion for the one who feels themselves lost…

The compassion for one who feels unloved…

The compassion for one who has loved and then lost…

The compassion for the parent who has lost the child…

The compassion for those who grieve for souls taken in war and tempest…

The compassion for those who know not a home and a family…

The compassion for those who feel alone in their time of need…

I would ask that ye each have compassion… Compassion for the self, and for one another…

For in compassion there is love… there is grace… and there do also be humility…

For do not the Lords of Karma as ye deem them advise… that as ye sow so shall ye reap

Be compassionate towards those who are in need… to those who would suffer in silence… and to thine self…

For truly my child thee do be well worthy of compassion and of the unconditional love which is its foundation and its rock…

Step ye forth and walk in compassion for the world… for humanity…and for the love of the creator…for thee are much blessed

Elohim Shalom Pax


Humility Words

It is with humility that I speak with you today… and I speak of humility to you…

For is not humility that which thee deem as being humble…

Yet is it the person or the deed which comes from humility…

Is humility a part of the self… or the cloak one wears in time of challenge…

And yet in humility be not submissive…

Remember that thee too are a child of the divine…

And as such, of great value, and great worth…

Disregard not the needs of the self in being that which ye see as humble…

For truly thy are worthy as any other in the universe…

Stand tall and proud, hold thy humility within where it may serve thee well…

Walk amongst thy people…and be at one with all…

For are you not each divine in the eyes of the creator of all beings, large and small…

Each of importance in their own way…

May the blessings of the universes sustain you now and always

Elohim Shalom Pax


Gratitude words

It is with gratitude that I speak with you today… and of gratitude that I wish to speak to you…

For gratitude is that of thanks… and of the awareness of that which has been received…

I come in gratitude to you this day that my words and their meaning are plain to you…

And that of thy consciousness, has the awareness of my thoughts as they are expressed to you…

For in gratitude we acknowledge that of another… a word… a thought … a deed…

The gift of receiving doth surely bring with it a gratitude to the giver…

And so in giving we also receive… often that which is unexpected or even unknown…

Close not thy mouth and swallow the words which there do be… for in expressing gratitude you also acknowledge thee…

Are thee not worthy also too… of gratitude expressed to you…

For is not each soul be it humble or strong… still yet a part of the heavenly throng…

Do not the sounds of voices clear…sing praises many, unheard by ear…

So listen well as through your day…others send kind thoughts your way…

For gratitude and love and care…are all around you in the air

For blessed soul thy then do be… and much gratitude comes from me to thee…

Write on my child is much to say…as I send love to all through you this day…

Elohim Shalom Pax


by Sheila Kennedy

A Spiritual and Metaphysical Practitioner and Teacher With a lifetime connection to the higher spiritual realms Sheila Kennedy has devoted much of her adult life to ‘working with energies’ A connection with the body of consciousness she recognizes as Sounds from Source in 2004 led to the co-creation of the family of Sounds from Source programs. ‘ The sounds facilitate the release of cellular memory and assist in restoring the body to health and harmony. In more recent times they evolved to support the healing of Mother Earth and broader expanses, and especially those related to planetary and universal healing. Well known as a Metaphysician, author and poet Sheila grew up in East Africa and the Australian outback. Sheila’s work, like her background, is an eclectic and innovative blend of indigenous and contemporary healing modalities.


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Copyright by SheilaKennedy.com | All rights reserved.