Sensitive Adult Sounds Pack

There has been great feedback from the Start the Day sounds for Sensitive Adults and inquiries about the additional sounds in the Sensitive Adult series. So as requested some information of the Sensitive Adult series of sounds.

The Sensitive Adult sounds followed on from a series of unique sounds called The Special Children sounds, which were designed for what I term Special Children. These are the sensitive youngsters who may not ‘be a good fit’ into daily life,. They are sometimes referred to as Indigo, Crystal, Star, Rainbow, Blue Ray and so on souls, and for some time I also used these sounds with the sensitive adult who struggles to cope with the world we live in.

There are 7 sounds in the Special Children series series and these were recreated into an adult version for Sensitive Adults

The Sensitive Adult sounds. A series of 7 unique sounds from sensitive adults.

1 Start the Day. To have the best possible day – this was a free download in the previous email

2 Tall Poppy, Often Sensitive Adults often do not feel that they fit in and may be subjected to in some instances levels of bullying for being different.

3 Grounding, Are you often described as off in the clouds or away with the fairies a good deal of the time. The Grounding sounds may assist you to be more ‘present’

4 Sensitivity, The heavy feeling you may have when you come home from being around other people especially in multi people areas such as shopping malls and food stores.

5 Protection, Creating a protective barrier against energetic attachments,. Sensitive adults can often ‘pick up’ on energies around them and whilst the Protection sounds are a great addition to a ‘daily’ playlist that can also be used in conjunction to the Sensitivity sounds to ‘clar’ negative energies.

6 Sleep, Sleep can be a trying time for many Sensitive adults. The issues of ‘getting to sleep’ or having a restful sleep. Played just before or at bedtime the Sensitive Adult sleep sounds can be very beneficial

7 Acknowledgement. Allowing and accepting yourself as being ‘sensitive or ‘not on the same page’ as many of the people around you. It is OK to acknowledge that you are ‘sensitive’ and to be different from everyone else.


Have you been nodding your head and recognising yourself?


The team and I have decided to offer the additional 6 sounds at a special pricing for participants of The 7 Steps to Freedom program.


Normally $133 for the 7 sounds ( 7 x $19)


As a special price for The 7 Steps to Freedom program. $49.95

You can purchase and download the Sensitive Adult sound pack of mp3’s

ikram fareed

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