High Order Energetic Clearance

High Order Energetic Clearance program was created  to remove the insidious effects of 5 levels of Spells, 2 levels of Curses, Voodoo, Black Magic, Sacrifice, Rituals and Sacrifice, Thought Forms and Invocations, Implants,  Energetic Enslavement,  Shamanic effects and more.

This service has its origins in a course of the same name which has been offered since 2008 and in-depth information on the areas covered in this service are available at https://www.soundsfromsource.com/hoec.html

For those interested in the higher levels of life there is a downloadable PDF giveaway at www.thegalacticlightwarrior.com

Additional High level services and information is available at https://thegalacticlightwarrior.com/services/

Distance or Absent Sessions are available and Absent sessions include a written report
2 Hours Cost USD $500

For Appointment of this service, Please make booking


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Copyright by SheilaKennedy.com | All rights reserved.