Communication and Understanding for ASD

Through my years of work with children and the creation of  The Children’s Learning program back in 2005 based on how we as adults speak to children as parent’s and teachers, and how the words we use to children can have an ongoing and often negative impact. This was followed with 2 early Sounds from Source programs to assist with children’s communication and behaviour. I was aware that much of the ‘lack of communication’ in children was due to the levels of fear of communicating; of being misunderstood, or of ‘getting it wrong’, and that children believe what they are told by an adult, ie The ‘You will never be any good at maths etc’


Fast forward to 2009 and a download of incredible information which became the powerful I Communicate Do You Understand? Program which has evolved over the years into a series of programs for sport and business as well as a program for both children and adults. It has evolved from the original concept of kinesiological measuring based on 0 to minus 10 and 0 to plus 10 depending on the optimal levels for each area and correcting eight different identified levels of communication and understanding based on what can be termed as Classical and Romantic thinking and has expanded to incorporate a number of additional or add on programs including

The testing is done and charted both before and after the playing an individual set of specific vibrational sounds and provision is made if required to retest at 3, 6 and 12 month intervals as the figures can improve with time.

Some results may appear instantly others can present over a period of time and I recommend keeping a journal to note any differences as they occur as often they become unnoticed as the client improves and the improvements are accepted into the general behaviour

I Communicate Do You Understand Categories

Areas / Levels 1,2,3,4

Level 1

Communication and Understanding





Verbal Communication

Non Verbal Communication

Level 2

Communication and Understanding



Self Worth

Self Esteem

Relationships General

Relationships Personal

Level 3

Aspergers Symptoms

Addictive Behaviours

Addictive Behaviours

Obsession and Compulsion

Social Interaction

Level 4



Common Sense

Memory Retention


Communication and Understanding Graph Example Communication

Has been shown to be of benefit for The Autism Spectrum Disorders – Some of the most misdiagnosed ‘syndromes’ including ADD/ ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Asperger’s and Global Dyspraxia for Children, Teenagers and Adults.


For General Communication and Life skills

Absent Session only Without Graphs 2 hours USD $200

Absent Session only With initial and follow up Graphs at 3,6, and 12 months  Cost USD $500


To make an online appointment for these services please specify Child / Teenager or Adult and the name and age of the  client

Absent sessions  with Graphs include a Kinesiological report


*Communication has been a fascination of mine for many years and has been the foundation of a number of programs both health and business related

Further thought brought up the areas of Sporting Communication and Understanding and this area was developed in May 2016 in became a component of The Athletes Sports Bag programs under the website

And the Your Energetic Business under the Business Communication and Understanding program at  the website.

For Appointment of this service, Please make booking

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