Anxiety Need Not be a Life Sentence 12 Fear of Death or Dying
As a Holistic energy practitioner I have had an awareness of the many clients and friends I have seen with ‘anxiety’ in many forms and recently I have been working on a ‘free’ anxiety program’ to allow those with ‘anxiety to take back control of their lives. I will be offering a series of short ‘blog’ posts on the differing identified areas or types of anxieties prior to the release of this program called The 7 Steps to Freedom so that if you or someone you love suffers from this often debilitating condition then you know that help is at hand
Is it Anxiety? My family have always been excessive worriers or concerned with fears, maybe that’s what’s wrong with me?
Anxiety can be either a short term or a long term state of being. It may present as a concern or a worry about a specific circumstance in your life for example, a job interview, a test or an exam, or simply doing something with which you are not familiar.
In the long term anxiety can have a much more profound effect on your body and the symptoms or the frequency of the symptoms that you experience may be much more profound, and in these instances it can literally take over a person’s life due to its frequency or the debilitating effects that it produces.
I am going to talk about the different types of anxieties in this series of short blog posts and share with you some of the symptoms that are associated with the differing forms of anxieties and related ‘phobias’.
Anxiety can be classified as a disorder when the symptoms of anxiety become longstanding or ‘chronic’ and have an effect on our daily lives and our ability to function in our everyday life
Fear of Death or Dying
Many people hold an often unspoken a fear of death or dying or as I refer to it as a Death / Mortality anxiety.
My experience over the years is that for some people the ‘loss of or passing away of a friend or relative during their own developmental years may bring on a deeper level of ‘separation’ anxiety, and the reactions and responses of adults around at the time may contribute to these levels of fears.
In other instances the ‘unknown’ or the impermanence of life may bring about its own fears and anxieties
Fear of Death or Dying can bring up many feelings such as:
- Stress
- Tension
- Nervousness
- Frustration
- Sadness
- Confusion
- Regret
- Disappointment
- Guilt
- Morbid thoughts of death and dying
- Fears and expectations of those we love and care for ‘leaving us’
- A fear of illness, Doctors and Hospitals
- Self sabotage
Some of the symptoms of Fear of Death and Dying are:
- Fears which may have no substance of reality:
- These can be fears related to death and or dying and may involve fears of travel, or travelling especially on airplanes, boats or motor vehicles and trains
- Fear of not seeing or of being around loved ones
- Fears of separation and may be combined with separation anxieties
- The Self sabotage where you allow or creating distractions to yourself moving forward in case of your fears becoming realized
- Becoming overwrought or experiencing headaches, stomach pains, or other physical symptoms when the subjects of death or dying are discussed. This can include trembling and sweating with pallor of features and a raised or racing heart beat
- Extreme emotions and mood swings including in severe situations hysteria’s as tearfulness
.. Many Fear Death or Dying anxiety sufferers will often report the following symptoms:
- Muscle tension especially in the head and shoulders and back and stomach areas
- Feeling ‘frozen’ or unable to think or mentally visualize forward planning
- Poor memory or poor short term memory and a ‘blankness’ when you go to access the plans you have made
- Sweaty hands or breaking out into a sweat, especially when you need to deal with situations where death or dying is the main topic of conversation
- Feeling dizzy, faint or light headed, for some people this can also relate to a sudden drop in blood pressure or blood sugars due to ‘stressors’
- Fear or confusion, these can be either one or both and may fluctuate
- Mood swings from euphoria to depressive tendencies and guilt and relief
- Inability to relax this can relate to being constantly tense or on edge
- Constant worrying even when you know that you have done everything that you can
- Shortness of breath or feeling as if you cannot take a deep breath
- Palpitations or feelings of your heart fluttering which may be accompanied by shortness of breath
- Upset stomach as in feeling heavy or nauseous in the stomach, and may lead to reflux or vomiting
These symptoms may range from mild to severe and be upsetting enough to make the individual feel uncomfortable, out of control and helpless.
*If in doubt that your symptoms are more than ‘anxiety’ please seek the appropriate medical advice.
Anxieties and anxiety disorders fall into a series of separate categories or diagnoses depending on the individual symptoms and the severity of the levels of anxiety the person is experiencing. The broad overview of the types of anxiety disorders I will be discussing in this series on anxieties includes.
1 Anxieties
2 Worrying
3 OCD- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
4 Social Anxieties
5 Anxieties and phobias
6 Fear of flying’
7 Fears of things that walk crawl run or fly e.g. Birds, Moths, Spiders, and Cats.
8 Separation anxiety
9 Performance anxiety
10 Fear of Failure exams
11 Fear of Failure Business
12 Fear of death or dying
13 GAD general anxiety disorder
14 Post Natal Depression
15 Panic attacks
16 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
In support of the ‘Free’ 7 Steps to Freedom program I have started a FB Community called Anxiety Need Not Be A Life Sentence at the link below. If this resonates with you I would invite you to please join us and be a part of this supportive community or to share the information with those to whom it may be of assistance
Peace Love and Light